Our investments are backed by a registered first-ranking mortgage over Australian real estate.
A first mortgage is the first charge over real estate owned by the borrower. If there is a Default in repayment of the Loan, the property can be sold in order to recover the Loan and repay investors.
Vestyn Investment Options
Direct Mortgage Investment
One or a group of wholesale investors invest in a single mortgage security. Investors can make their own decisions on which loans to invest in with a minimum investment amount of $500,000.
Each mortgage investment may generate different income returns with different terms.
Investors can only withdraw upon repayment of the loan. Mortgage Investments are generally for a fixed term of between three (3) months and thirty-six (36) months secured by real property within Australia.
Vestyn Lending Trust (VLT)
Vestyn Lending Trust is a managed Investment trust. It is managed by Vestyn Capital. The funds of different investors are pooled for the sole purpose of the first mortgage investment.
Investors are the unitholders of the trust and receive interest distributions based on their investment proportion. Investors' funds are diversified across a range of mortgages that have been selected and approved by the Manager.
This diversification is an important tool in risk mitigation by reducing exposure to any single mortgage. Investors may redeem subject to investment terms, notice periods and liquidity. VLT provides investors access to risk-mitigated returns in a portfolio secured by first-ranking property debt investments.
Managed by an experienced investment team, the Fund leverages Vestyn’s expertise and track record which has delivered strong performance over a decade.
Investment Strategy
Only first-ranking security positions against physical real estate with conservative LVR limits.
Target over 7% - 8% pre-tax net returns.
Stable forecast returns with quarterly distributions.
Portfolio of secured debt diversified by sector, geography, and purpose with contractually determined outcomes.
Rigorous credit risk analysis and portfolio risk management process that ensures downside protection and broad asset screening.

Loan Term
3 to 36 months
Loan Amount
$500,000 to $5,000,000
Security Type
Development site with DA
Vacant land
70% (Residential)
65% (Commercial)
55% (Vacant land)
Loan exit
Clear exit strategies
must be provided.
Subject to assessment.
Borrower profile
Property investors/developers with a proven track record, or
Business owners with solid business backgrounds.